The most respected head teacher ever.......

Created by Denise 3 years ago

Mr Muspratt, Sir, No words can describe how much this wonderful man meant to me. I always felt safe and happy and more than ready to learn at Stanhope Juniors. He listened, he taught, he gave his time, he shared his wisdom and he always encouraged. He will always have my respect and i will always think of him fondly. As an adult now, i think back to my happy school days and its thanks to him and his guidance that the start to my education was positive. He never forgot my name in passing, always stopping for a chat. Even after many, many years his genuine interest in my personal acomplishments and the wellbeing of my family, felt like sharing my acheivements with a proud mentor. It is a sad time when we mourn the loss of such a truly magnanamus force. For me I will keep in my heart such joy to have known this man and i will smile from my soul when I think of him.
God Bless you Sir.

Denise (was Edwards) Etherington. age 58 and a bit.